The Constitution of the
College of Otorhinolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons of Sri Lanka
1. Name
- The College shall be named the College of Otorhinolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons of Sri Lanka (CORLHNS).
- The association being a ‘Voluntary social service organization’ as defined under the Voluntary Social Service Organization (Registration and supervision) Act, shall take steps to register under the Act after incorporation.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the CORLHNS shall be,
- To advance the knowledge of and promote research in otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery.
- To promote post graduate training and continuing medical education in otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery.
- To promote fellowship among the members of the college.
- To promote communication and exchange of knowledge among otorhinolaryngologists and head and surgeons at national and international levels.
- To monitor, suggest and advise on improvements of the standards of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery services of Sri Lanka.
3. Members
- The association shall consist of the following categories of members.
- Ordinary members
- Associate members
- Honorary members
- The founder members shall be all the members of the Association of Otolaryngologists of Sri Lanka on the date of formation of the College. Founder members privileges will be according to the type of membership they would otherwise hold as determined by paragraph no. 5
4. Fellows
- Ordinary fellows – Ordinary members can apply to be a fellow of the College after holding continuous membership for 10 years.
- Founder members who have held over 10 years continuous membership of good standing in the Association of Otolaryngologists of Sri Lanka and are 2 eligible to be ordinary members of the College, are entitled to utilize the number of years more than the 10 years for this purpose. The decision to grant fellowship under this category will be exclusively decided by the council after scrutinizing the suitability of the member to be given such a privilege.
- The application shall be made to the President via the Secretary on a stipulated form available from the College. The applicants name should be proposed and seconded by 2 ordinary members or fellows of the college.
- The fellowship will be granted by the Council at a meeting with at least 10 members including the President being present.
- A fee stipulated by the Council shall be payable by the applicant prior to being admitted as a Fellow.
- A certificate of fellowship will be awarded at the inauguration of the Annual Academic Sessions after being admitted as a fellow.
- Honorary fellows – Honorary fellows shall be elected by the Council. They will not be liable to a fee and will also have no voting rights and shall not hold office.
- Admission to membership
The following shall be eligible for election to membership.
- Ordinary members –
- Any medical practitioner registered by the Sri Lanka medical council who possesses board certification or is eligible for privileges of board certification as a specialist in Otorhinolaryngology by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka.
- Any medical practitioner registered by the Sri Lanka medical council and holding postgraduate qualifications in otorhinolaryngology, and who has been duly appointed as a consultant ENT surgeon by the department of Health of Sri Lanka.
- Any medical practitioner registered by the Sri Lanka medical council who possess a diploma of fellowship or an equivalent postgraduate qualification in Otorhinolaryngology from institutes other than the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka. The final decision to grant membership in these cases will be taken by the council sub sequent to scrutinizing the applicant’s suitability.
- In the event of a change of any of the criteria on which membership was granted to an individual, the membership may become null and void as maybe determined by the council.
- Associate members –
- Any medical practitioner registered by the Sri Lanka medical council holding a diploma in Otolaryngology or the Master of surgery (MS) or Doctor of medicine (MD) in Otolaryngology from the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka.
- Any medical practitioner registered by the Sri Lanka medical council and is enrolled in the training program leading to the MS or MD in Otolaryngology of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka.
- Any medical practitioner registered by the Sri Lanka Medical Council, holding a postgraduate degree and being acceptable to the council as a suitable applicant for associate membership.
- Associate members falling under category I above will be entitled to all rights and privileges of the college except to hold or act in the offices of President, President elect, Secretary, Treasurer or Editor,
- Associate members falling under category 2 and 3 above shall not be entitled to hold office and shall not have voting rights,
- In the event of a change of any of the criteria on which membership was granted to an individual, the membership may become null and void as maybe determined by the council
- Honorary members –
The council may elect Honorary members from amongst those who have made a special contribution to Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery. They will enjoy all rights and facilities except the right to vote or hold office.
6. Subscriptions
- Life membership (ordinary) Rs. 10,000.00
Ordinary members annual membership Rs. 2000.00
Associate members annual membership Rs. 1000.00 - Those who are in default of membership fee for a period of two years shall lose their privilege of membership.
- Subscription dues shall be payable on or before the day of the AGM of the current year.
- The membership fees shall be reviewed and revised whenever needed by the council.
7. The Council
- The term of office of the council shall be 2 years
- The Council shall consist of 16 members as given below
A president
A president elect
A treasurer
A secretary
An assistant secretary
Four council members
Two co – editors
Social secretary
Scientific secretary
The outgoing President., Treasurer, and Secretary - Any member of the council absenting himself / herself for three consecutive meetings without being excused is liable to be removed from the council.
- President and President elect
- Shall be elected at the first election for the council and shall hold the office for a period of 2 years.
Subsequent elections will elect only the president elect for the next term of 2 years unless the incumbent president elect is not in a position to take up the post of president. In this case elections will be held again for both posts. - The president, and in the absence of the president the President elect, shall preside at all meetings of the college and council. In the absence of the President and President elect the council shall nominate one of their members to preside.
- The presiding officer of any meeting of the college, the council or any subcommittee shall have a casting vote at such a meeting.
9. Treasurer
- Shall be elected every 2 years and the person elected shall not hold this office for a second consecutive term.
- Shall be responsible for the management of the finances of the college and shall present the statement of annual audited accounts at the Annual General Meeting.
10. Secretary
- Shall be elected every 2 years and the person elected shall not hold the office for a second consecutive term.
- Shall,
- convene meetings of the college / council.
- circulate notices of such meetings and agenda at least seven days prior to the date of such meetings, unless in case of emergency meetings of the council.
- Keep minutes of the meetings and maintain records of the college.
- Assistant secretary
- Shall be elected every 2 years and the person elected shall not hold this office for a second consecutive term.
- Shall assist the secretary in the performance of his duties.
- Co-Editors,
Social Secretary,
Scientific secretary and Council members
- Shall be elected for a period of 2 years and shall be eligible for re- election.
- Co-Editors shall responsible for publishing the Ceylon journal of Otolaryngology on time (print version and online version) and newsletter of the college and any other publications decided by the council.
- Social secretary shall responsible for organizing and conducting the social events decided by the council.
- Scientific secretary shall responsible for organizing and conducting scientific events decided by the college council. He shall also responsible for calling applications for scientific research papers, organizing annual scientific session and publishing scientific research abstract book.
- Council members shall assist and undertake any task decided by the college council in related to college objectives
- Removal and resignation of office bearers
- Removal of an office bearer will be done only with a 2/3-majority vote taken by secret ballot at a council meeting with all other council members present
- Resignation of a member or fellow will only be valid if it is submitted in writing to the President through the secretary at least one month before the date of intended resignation. All subscription fees and any other dues will have to be paid and any accounts settled before the resignation is accepted.
- Council meetings
The council shall meet at least once every three months. The quorum for such meeting shall be five (5).
- Powers and duties of the council
- The council shall be responsible for the general administration of the affairs of the collage and its scientific program.
- The council shall have the power to
- Elect all categories of members
- Elect any member of the college (subject to regulations in paragraph 5) for a vacancy in the council, except to the office of President and President elect.
- In the event of the post of President falling vacant the President elect shall carryout the relevant duties of the president until the post is filled by election at a general meeting which shall be held not later than 8 weeks of the post falling vacant.
- In the event of both posts of President and President elect falling vacant, the council member who has the confidence of most of the other members of the council shall carry out the relevant duties of the president until these posts are filled at a general meeting which shall be held not later than 8 weeks of the posts falling vacant.
- Nominations for the elections in subsection a and b above will be called and received 4 weeks and 2 weeks before the date of the general meeting respectively
- Appoint 3 trustees with power to hold property on behalf of the college.
- The council shall have the power to appoint sub committees: as it deems necessary and co – opt the services of any member for any such subcommittee.
- The council shall have the power to nominate for any specific purposes, a member to represent the Council at any meeting or conference.
- The Council shall have the power to make any decision or any matter, which is not covered by the rules of the College. Such decisions shall be ratified at the next annual general meeting.
- The Council shall finally approve by 2/3 majority, any resolution passed at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting before such resolution comes in to effect. If this is not possible the resolution shall be presented to the general membership at the next meeting for further discussion. The decision taken at this meeting by a simple majority will be binding.
- Academic meetings
- Continuous Medical Education (CME) meetings will be held at least twice a year. These may be held in combination with general meetings. Notice of such meeting shall be circulated to members at least fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting.
- The Council should always promote clinical meetings, workshops, seminars etc. whenever the resources for such events are available. E.g. external examiners, guest lecturers, eminent persons in a related field, and actively engage in organizing such events on a regular basis for the betterment of the membership.
- Annual Academic Sessions should be held every year.
- The College Oration should be held as part of the Annual Academic Sessions as far as possible.
- Annual General Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of March of the same year.
- Nominations for office bearers for posts which have fallen vacant or for electing a new council and resolutions shall be called for, 6 weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting and shall be received at least 4 weeks before such meeting.
- Nominations shall be proposed and seconded by two members and shall have the written consent of the nominee. The nominee shall not be in default of the membership fee. A person could be nominated for one post only.
- Elections, if any, shall be by secret ballot. If there are no nominees, such office bearers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
- Notice of every resolution to be moved at such meeting shall reach the Secretary at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
- Resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority at the Annual General Meeting subject to the provisions in paragraph 15f.
- The agenda of the meeting shall always include
- election of office bearers for vacant posts in the council
- election of office bearers for the council once every 2 years
- presentation of annual report and statement of audited accounts
- Appoint the Auditors for the forthcoming financial year
The agenda shall be circulated to members at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.
- Quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be twenty (20).
- Members who have not paid their annual subscription fees will not be entitled to attend the AGM.
- Extra Ordinary General Meeting
- Extra Ordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the President, or on receipt of a written request signed by at least ten members of the College.
- Finance Management
- Financial year of the collage shall be 01st of January and 31st of December each year.
- Accounts shall be audited each financial year by a Chartered Accountant.
- Bank Accounts shall maintain in reputed bank
- The Treasure and the President or The Secretary is authorized to sign cheques for the college.
- Seal
The Common Seal of the College shall be kept in safe custody of the Office under custody of the President. The Common Seal of the college shall be kept in the presence of the President and the Secretary or Treasure only.
- Minute Book
The Secretary shall maintain a Minute Book and at all time he shall make a minute to the use of Common Seal.
- Grants
- The council shall have the power to accept as well as disburse grants or donations in the pursuance of the objectives of the College.
- All funds of the College shall be deposited in an account approved by the Council in the name of the College.
- All assets and endowments of the Association of Otolaryngologists of Sri Lanka shall be vested in the College.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial commitments of the College.
- All accounts of the college shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the council.
- Amendments to the constitution
- Amendments to the constitution should be discussed at a General Meeting after 21 days’ notice had been given.
- A two third majority of those voting shall be required to amend the constitution.
- Members addresses
- All members should submit to the College a reliable postal address, E mail Address and Telephone number to which correspondence could be sent. Preferred and in some cases, correspondence could be sent only via E mail. Council shall not be held responsible for not receiving correspondence due to incorrect contact details given or failure to update contact details by a member.
- It is the responsibility of the member to keep the College informed of any change in address and other contact details.
- The College shall not be responsible for any breach in communication because of not been informed of the current address of the member.